Nurturing Health
Developing Resilience
Rules of Aurora Collective Incorporated Society
The Society
1.0 Name
1.1 The name of the society is Aurora Collective Incorporated (“The Society”).
1.2 The Society is constituted by resolution dated: 15 September 2016.
2.0 Registered Office
2.1 The Registered Office of the Society is: 37 Pretoria Street, Lower Hutt, 5010.
3.0 The Purposes of the Society are:
3.1 To provide children and adults in the Greater Wellington Region, access to integrative, complementary health services;
3.2 To provide financial assistance for people in hardship to access those integrative, complementary health services provided by the Society’s Members;
3.3 To provide educational opportunities for its members, teachers and other professionals;
3.4 To provide educational opportunities for parents and other adults, supporting them in their understanding of child development and home care.
4.0 In giving effect to the above purposes, the Society will:
4.1 Provide regular multi-disciplinary meetings where a member therapist’s client’s health and questions are presented and discussed, leading to understanding and support for the client;
4.2 Provide financial assistance, through an application process, in the case of financial hardship, to access the therapies on offer through the Aurora member Therapists;
4.3 Provide educational opportunities through the organisation of presentations, workshops, multi-disciplinary meetings and newsletters, for clients, parents, teachers and other professionals;
4.4 Provide supervision of member therapists through regular meetings.
5.0 Pecuniary gain is not a purpose of the Society:
5.1 Member therapists offer their time for the regular multi-disciplinary meetings voluntarily;
5.2 Clients whose health needs are discussed at the meeting receive this service for free;
5.3 The Financial Hardship Fund is replenished mainly by donations and fundraising, and by clients, who have used it, repaying small amounts as they can afford it and in their own time;
5.4 Koha and/or charges for the professional development are used to replenish the Financial Hardship Fund after costs of organising these events are paid.
Management of the Society
6.0 Managing Committee
6.1 The Society shall have a managing committee (“the Committee”), comprising of the Office bearers
6.1.1 The Chair
6.1.2 The Secretary
6.1.3 The Treasurer
6.1.4 And all other members.
All members are included in decision making, alongside the office bearers. All members shall carry mandated tasks.
6.2 Members of the Society, after six months’ membership, can be elected to be an office bearer.
The first Committee members were nominated and decided at the Special AGM where the Aurora Inc. Soc. rules were signed by the members.
7.0 Appointment of Office bearers
7.1 At a Society meeting, the Members may decide by consensus (see point 10.2):
7.1.2 Who shall be the Chair, Secretary and Treasurer (office bearers);
7.1.3 Whether more than one officer position can be held by one person, and
7.1.4 The office bearers serve until the next AGM (“The Term”).
8.0 Cessation of Office bearer roles
8.1 Persons cease to be an Office bearer when one of the following conditions is met:
8.1.1 They resign by giving written notice to the Secretary;
8.1.2 They are not re-elected at the next AGM;
8.1.3 They are removed by majority vote of the Society at a Special Society Meeting, which can be called at any time through the year;
8.1.4 If any Office bearer is absent for 3 consecutive meetings without notice or adequate reasons, the Members may declare that person has ceased to be an Office bearer.
8.2 If a person ceases to be an Office bearer, that person must within one month give to the remaining office bearers all Society documents and property.
9.0 Nomination of Officer bearers
9.1 Nominations for Officer bearers shall be called for at least 14 days before an Annual General Meeting. Each candidate shall be proposed and seconded in writing by Members and the completed nomination delivered to the Secretary prior to the AGM.
9.2 All retiring Officer bearers shall be eligible for re-election, unless they state otherwise.
9.3 If the position of any Officer becomes vacant at all times, the Members may appoint another member to fill that vacancy until the next AGM.
10.0 Role of the Office bearers
10.1 The role of the Office bearers is to:
10.1.1 Administer and manage the Society;
10.1.2 Carry out the purposes of the Society, using the Society’s money and other assets;
10.1.3 Manage the Society’s financial affairs, including approving the annual financial statements for presentation to the Members at AGMs;
10.1.4 Set accounting policies in line with generally accepted accounting practice;
10.1.5 Delegate responsibility and co-opt members when necessary;
10.1.6 Ensure that all Members follow the Rules;
10.1.7 Decide the times and dates for Meetings, and set the agenda for Meetings, and
10.1.8 Propose changes to the regulations, governing the day to day operations of the Society.
10.2 All decisions by the Committee shall be by consensus:
10.2.1 Any member may put proposals to, or raise issues with, either the Office bearers or the whole membership;
10.2.2 A discussion will be held in small groups and/or in a meeting for the whole membership;
10.2.3 Following discussion, either in a small group or the whole membership, a draft proposal will be written up and sent out to all members;
10.2.4 Members will be given a limited timeframe within which they can give feedback, suggestions for change, and questions;
10.2.5 These collected considerations are taken into account when writing the next draft, which will again be sent out to all members for further feedback;
10.2.6 When no more feedback is received after the final draft, following a given time frame, the final draft is accepted and the decision made, and
10.2.7 It is understood by all members that if they give no feedback to the drafts, they give their consent.
10.3 Office bearers Meetings
10.3.1 The Office bearers shall meet at least 6 times a year, as the office bearers shall decide, and
10.3.2 Decisions of the Office bearers shall be by consensus, following a similar process as described in 10.2, this time consulting only the office bearers.
10.4 Matters not covered in these rules shall be decided by the Office bearers.
11.0 Roles of Office bearers
11.1 The Chair is responsible for:
11.1.1 Ensuring that the Rules are followed;
11.1.2 Convening Committee Meetings and establishing whether a quorum (half of the Committee) is present;
11.1.3 Chairing Meetings;
11.1.4 Overseeing the operation of the Society, and
11.1.5 Providing a report on the operations of the Society at each AGM.
11.2 The Secretary is responsible for:
11.2.1 Recording the minutes of the Meetings;
11.2.2 Keeping the Register of Members;
11.2.3 Holding the Society’s records, documents, and books, except those required for the Treasurer’s function;
11.2.4 Receiving and replying to correspondence as required by the Office bearers;
11.2.5 Forwarding the annual financial statements for the Society to the Registrar of Incorporated Societies upon their approval by the Members at an AGM, and
11.2.6 Advising the Registrar of Incorporated Societies of rule changes.
11.3 The Treasurer is responsible for:
11.3.1 Keeping proper records of the Society’s financial transactions to allow the Society’s financial position to be readily ascertained;
11.3.2 Preparing annual financial statements for presentation at each AGM;
11.3.3 Providing a financial report at each AGM, and
11.3.4 Providing financial information to the Office bearers as the Office bearers determines.
Society membership
12.0 Types of Members
12.1 Membership may comprise different classes of membership as decided by the Society.
13.0 Admission of Members
13.1 To become a Member, a person (“the Applicant”) must:
13.1.1 Be experienced in and/or working in a therapeutic field;
13.1.2 Have an interest in and/or knowledge of, the human being and illness on a physical, emotional and spiritual level;
13.1.3 Express an interest to become a member to the Committee, after which the committee provides them with the appropriate information, and will inform all members of this expression of interest;
13.1.4 Complete an application form;
13.1.5 Supply any other information the Committee requires;
13.1.6 Have a trial period of up to 3 months in which both the Applicant and the Society members can assess and give feedback to the potential membership, and
13.1.7 Be approved by the committee at a committee meeting.
14.0 The register of Members
14.1 The Secretary shall keep a register of Members (“the Register”), which shall contain the names and contact details of all Members, and the dates on which they became Members.
14.2 If a Member’s contact details change, that Members shall give their new details to the Secretary.
14.3 Members shall have reasonable access to the Register of Members.
15.0 Cessation of Membership
15.1 Any Member may resign by giving written notice to the Committee.
15.2 The Committee has the final authority to terminate a membership, as a result of a conflict resolution process, as per point 16.0.
16.0 Obligation of Members
16.1 Members have the rights and responsibilities set out in these Rules.
16.2 All members shall promote the purpose of the Society and shall do nothing to bring the Society into disrepute;
16.3 All members shall abide by the rules and regulations made by the committee;
16.4 The therapeutic nature of the society means that all members shall at all times:
16.4.1 Hold confidentially all information relating to clients, be it their own clients or information gained through the multi-disciplinary meetings, and colleagues
16.4.2 Support and maintain an awareness of cultural diversity, and
16.4.3 Consider and disclose any possible conflict of interest to the relevant persons.
16.5 All members shall have written approval from the office bearers, when using the Aurora Inc. Soc. name and/or logo in any situation.
16.6 All members shall declare any conflict of interest in any dealing that the Society undertakes.
Conflict Resolution and Complaints Policy
17.0 Conflict Resolution and Complaints Procedure
17.1 Any person or organisation may make a written complaint to the Office bearers;
17.2 The Office bearers will respond in writing (email or paper) within 10 working days of the complaint being received;
17.3 At the request of any party, the Office bearers shall organise a meeting between the complainant and the affected parties, with both parties invited to bring a support person to the meeting, if they wish.
17.4 The Office bearers shall take notes of the discussion at the meeting.
17.5 If at any time, any affected party requires these records, the Office bearers will provide them;
17.6 The discussions shall continue, whether at the initial meeting or at subsequent meetings organised by the Office bearers, until all parties: the Complainant and the Affected Parties, feel heard and understood, and a resolution is found which allows all parties to move forward;
17.7 If resolution is not achieved, the Office bearers shall organise external mediation, at the parties cost, in a timely manner.
Money and other assets of the society
18.0 Use of Money and Other Assets
18.1 The Society may only use money and other assets if:
18.1.1 It is for the purpose of the Society;
18.1.2 It is not for the sole personal or individual benefit of any Member; and
18.1.3 That use has been approved by either the Committee or at a meeting.
19.0 Joining Fees, Subscriptions and Levies
19.1 Joining fees shall be set and reviewed by the Committee on a yearly basis.
19.2 Membership fees may be paid in full at the beginning of each financial year or by regular automatic payments.
19.3 If any Member does not pay a membership fee by a date set by the Office bearers, the Secretary will give notice that, unless the arrears are paid by a nominated date, their membership will be reviewed.
20.0 Additional Powers
20.1 The Society may:
20.1.1 Employ people for the purpose of the Society;
20.1.2 Exercise any power a trustee might exercise;
20.1.3 Invest in any investment that a trustee might invest in, and
20.1.4 Borrow money and provide security for that if authorised at a Society Meeting.
21.0 Financial Year
20.1 The Financial year of the Society begins on 1 April of every year and ends on 31 March of the next year.
22.0 Assurance of the Financial Statements (review, audit or not)
22.1 No review or audit of the annual financial statements is required unless a review or audit is requested by 20% of the Members at any properly convened Society Meeting.
Conduct of Meetings
23.0 Society Meetings
23.1 A Society Meeting is either an Annual General Meeting or a Special General Meeting.
23.2 The AGM shall be held once every year, no later than 5 months after the Society’s balance date. The Committee shall determine when and where the Society shall meet within the time specified.
23.3 Special General Meetings may be called by the Office bearers. The Office bearers must call a Special General Meeting if the Secretary receives a written request signed by at least 10% of the Members.
23.4 The Secretary shall give all Members at least 14 days Written Notice of the business to be conducted at any Society Meeting, including Notice of any motions and the Office bearer’s recommendations about those motions.
23.5 The Secretary will provide, when giving notice of an AGM, a copy of the Chair report on the Society’s operations and of the Annual Financial Statements as approved by the Office bearers, and a list of Nominees for the Office bearers, and information about those Nominees if it has been provided.
23.6 If the Secretary has sent a notice to all Members in good faith, the Meeting and its business will not be invalidated simply because one or more Members do not receive the notice.
23.7 All Members may attend and vote at Society Meetings.
23.8 No Society Meeting may proceed unless at least 1/3rd of the eligible Members attend. This will constitute a quorum.
23.9 All Society Meetings shall be Chaired by the Chair. If the Chair/ is absent, the Society shall elect another Member to chair that meeting.
23.10 On any given motion at a Society Meeting, the Chair shall in good faith determine whether voting should be by:
23.10.1 Voices;
23.10.2 Show of Hands
23.10.3 Secret Ballot.
However, if any Member demands a secret ballot before a vote by voices or show of hands has begun, voting must be by secret ballot. If a secret ballot is held, the Chair will have a casting, that is, a second vote.
23.11 The business of an AGM shall be:
23.11.1 Receiving any minutes of the previous AGM;
23.11.2 The Chair/s report on the business of the Society;
23.11.3 The Treasurer’s report on the finances of the Society, and the Annual Financial Statements;
23.11.4 Election of Office bearers;
23.11.5 Motions to be Considered, and
23.11.6 General Business
23.12 The Chair may adjourn the Meeting if necessary.
23.13 Adjourning Meetings: If within half an hour after the time appointed for a meeting to start a quorum is not present, the meeting, if convened upon request of members, shall be dissolved; in any other case, it shall stand adjourned to a day, time and place determined by the Chair, and, if at such adjourned meeting, a quorum is not present the meeting shall be dissolved without further adjournments.
23.14 The Chair may with the consent of any Society Meeting adjourn the same from time to time and from place to place but no business shall be transacted at any adjourned meeting other than the business left unfinished at the meeting from which the adjournment took place.
24.0 Motions at Society Meetings
24.1 Any Member may request that a motion be voted on (“Member’s Motion”) at a Society Meeting, by giving written notice to the Secretary at least 14 days before that meeting.
24.2 The Member may also provide information in support of a Motion (“Member’s Information”).
24.3 The Office bearers may in its absolute discretion decide whether the Society will vote on the motion.
24.4 If the Member’s Motion is signed by at least 25% of Members:
24.4.1 It must be voted on at the Society Meeting chosen by the Member; and
24.4.2 The Secretary must give the Member’s Information to all Members at least 14 days before the Society Meeting chosen by the Member; or
24.4.3 If the Secretary fails to do this, the Member has the right to raise the motion at the following Society Meeting.
24.5 The Office bearers may also put forward motions for the Society to vote on (“Office bearer’s Motions”) which shall be suitably notified.
Common Seal
25.0 Common Seal
25.1 The Committee shall provide a common seal for the Society and may from time to time replace it with a new one.
25.2 The Secretary shall have custody of the common seal, which shall only be used by the authority of the Office bearers. Every document to which the common seal is affixed shall be signed by the Chair and countersigned by the Secretary or another member of the Office bearers.
Altering the Rules
26.0 Altering the Rules
26.1 The Society may alter or replace these Rules at a Society Meeting by a resolution passed by consensus of those Members present and voting.
26.2 Any proposed motion to amend or replace these Rules shall be signed by at least 25% of eligible Members and given in writing to the Secretary at least 28 days before the Society Meeting at which the motion is to be considered, and accompanied by a written explanation of the reasons for the proposal.
26.3 At least 14 days before the Society Meeting at which the Rule change is to be considered, the Secretary shall give to all Members written notice of the proposed motion, the reasons for the proposal, and any recommendations the Committee has.
26.4 When a Rule change is approved by a Society Meeting, no Rule change shall take effect until the Secretary has filed the change with the Registrar of Incorporated Societies, which the Secretary shall attend to promptly after the meeting.
Winding up
27.0 Winding up
27.1 If the Society is wound up:
27.1.1 The Society’s debts, costs and liabilities shall be paid;
27.1.2 Surplus money and other assets of the Society shall be disposed of: By resolution, passed at a Society Meeting to one or more charitable organisations in NZ – with aims similar to those of the Society; and According to the provisions in the Incorporated Societies Act 1908; but
27.1.3 No distribution may be made to any Members.
28.0 Definitions and Miscellaneous matters
28.1 In these Rules:
28.1.1 “Majority Vote” means a vote made by more than half of the Members who are present at a Meeting and who are entitled to vote upon the resolution put to that Meeting.
28.1.2 “Consensus” means that discussions and conversations are held to come to a common understanding and agreement, so that individual wishes and needs can be put aside when necessary, for the benefit of the Society’s Purpose and a Common Ground is found.
28.1.3 “Money and Other Assets” means any real or personal property or any interest therein, owned by the Society.
28.1.4 “Society Meeting” means any Annual General Meeting, or any Special General Meeting but not a Committee Meeting.
28.1.5 “Use Money and Other Assets” means to use, handle, invest, transfer, give, apply, expend, dispose of, or in any other way deal with, Money and Other Assets.
28.1.6 “Written Notice” means communication by post, electronic means (including email, and website posting), or advertisement in periodicals, or a combination of these methods.
28.1.7 Where the singular is used, plural forms of the noun are also included.
28.1.8 Headings are for reference and are not a part of the rules.